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Toasting the Professor

Despite the title, this is not an outline of how I intend to get a permanent position at a university.

On this day, in 1892, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born, and we celebrate it at 9 p.m. (local time, wherever you are) quite simply with a short toast:
The Professor!
to be delivered while standing, with a glass filled with something good; take a sip, then sit back down to continue your evening. If you are sensible, like we are, said evening will consist of leisurely reading of Tolkien's works.

The new Beowulf translation with the commentary is lovely; though Lord of the Rings is a classic; and On Fairytales is instructive; whereas Mr Bliss is utterly sweet; as is The Hobbit, come to think of it; The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun is rather impressive; The Father Christmas Letters are beautiful; and The Fall of Arthur is tantalising; whereas The Silmarillion is essential; with perhaps a touch of the Unfinished Tales; -- in fact, read it all.
Are, Jørgen, Anja, Paul likes this


Vala,  20.01.15 19:10

Hei hei!
Jeg prøver å få tak i Tor Nordam fordi han har, i følge mine lister, vært medlem av linjeforeningen Delta. Vi skal feire 41-årsjubileum den 13.03.15 og vil gjerne invitere han/dere om det er flere av dere som har vært i Delta.
Om dette høres interessant ut ta gjerne kontakt med meg på mail: =)
Håper jeg får høre fra deg/dere!


Vala M. Valsdóttir
Leder i Arrangementkomiteen, Delta
J. R. R. Tolkien
Last edited by
Camilla, 04.01.15 09:49